Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Remembering Roe 2014
55 million babies have died in the U.S. since the infamous Supreme Court Roe v Wade ruling 41 years ago this month. It is beyond a national tragedy. It is a choice of descent into barbarism.
Because of the ghastly numbers of dead babies, it may be difficult to see that the pro-choice side is on a downward spiral.  Clinics continue to close as state after state pass pro-life bills. Young people faced with the scientific reality of the humanity of pre-born babies, are decidedly a more pro-life generation.
There are many significant defections from the pro- abortion side to the side of honoring human life.  Beginning with Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who worked not only performing abortions by the thousands, but was very instrumental in the overturning of laws against abortion. He later reversed his position because science showed him it was not a mass of tissue but a baby that abortion destroyed. His film “The Silent Scream” awakened many to the truth about abortion.
 Norma McCorvey, the Jane Roe of the court ruling, turned her life around becoming a Christian. Then  set the record straight. The case was based on lies. She was not raped and she never had an abortion. She had just been used as a pawn in the case. Today she has dedicated her life to overturning Roe v Wade.
Numerous former abortion clinic directors and providers that have turn around, repented and now work to restore civil rights for the babies. These include Abby Johnson formerly working for Planned Parenthood and Carol Everett former abortion provider in the Dallas area. Everett has made an interesting observation during her testimony, “That’s another thing, you don’t see the defectors from the Pro-Life side to the abortion side…”
It is understandable that few would wish to be on the side that includes the likes of “Dr.” Kermit Gosnell. Last year Gosnell was found guilty of murdering infants in late term abortions in the most unspeakable ways.
After 41 years this nation has a choice. We can choose the spirit of death as expressed by Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger. Who said,” The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
Or we could choose the wisdom of Mother Teresa, ”The greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion, which is war against the child. The mother doesn’t learn to love, but kills to solve her own problems. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want.”
41 years of bloodshed is enough. The time has come to choose to cherish life and defeat the merchants of death. We shall overcome!


  1. The term baby connotes a cute and happy Gerber-type baby. Talking about abortion, a more appropriate term would be fetus which is post embryonic until birth. They are usually incapable of independent life. Clinics close not due to lack of interest in health care, but instead lack of funding. Republicans deny funding in state after state of low-cost clinics that also provide abortions. Unfortunately, these clinics are the only source of health care many women have. Why do Republicans love fetuses and hate babies? They continue to deny funding to support programs like WIC, food stamps, low-cost house etc all services many of the babies would need. Margaret Sanger's quote was taken out of context. The story around it was about infant mortality in large poor families. More than 300,000 babies, not fetuses, died - 90% from malnutrition. How many babies have you watched starve to death? Why are men allowed to tell women what they may or may not do with their babies? In 2013 alone 624 bills regulating women's bodies were written. The number of bills regulating men's bodies since the beginning of time...0. If you honor life, why do you want to deny the babies you insist are wanted the very things needed to get a good start in life?

  2. So true! Thanks so much Sylvia for continuing the fight for the unborn!
    Onward Christian soldier!
